16 Helpful Divorce and Parenting Blogs to Prepare You For the Road Ahead in 2024

divorce and co-parenting articles

As we begin turning the page to 2024, our team at Nelson Law Group has compiled 16 helpful divorce and co-parenting articles from our library of blog posts that will undoubtedly prepare you for the road ahead. Beyond the legal nature of divorce, these posts provide guidance on a more human level.

We are invested in you and your family’s future and pride ourselves on offering compassionate support beyond traditional legal advice, courtrooms, and mounds of important paperwork.

Helpful Divorce and Parenting Blogs Heading Into 2024

8 ways to gain control of divorce

Yes, there is still plenty about the divorce process that will always be out of your control. But you can absolutely gain control of divorce and have a say in what happens next. Here are a few places to start:

4 signs you are ready to forgive your spouse

Forgiveness is the act of intentionally and voluntarily ceasing to feel resentment against someone or something. It certainly does not mean you condone what happened. It might even take a while to move forward completely, and you will never forget what happened. But in so many ways you cannot completely explain, you are ready to move on and learn from the experience. Are you ready to forgive your spouse? Here are six signs that now might be the time.

7 ways divorce anger impacts the outcome of your case

All of us have been angry before, and when managed appropriately, it helps us express our feelings and motivate us to find solutions to problems. But constant anger is corrosive — to ourselves and our relationships. It is important to treat the divorce process as a business transaction and leave your emotions out of it.

Revisiting the ‘Disney Land Parent’ conversation and how to avoid being one

As a parent, you should absolutely love on your child and make sure they know you will always be there for them. But the term “Disney Land Parent (formerly known as Disney Land Dad) characterizes someone who tries to overcompensate for a broken marriage by spoiling their children out of sheer guilt that they had a divorce. Read this post to learn more.

15 inspirational quotes on divorce

It is important that you never feel alone, and this latest post is no different. After scouring the Internet, we would like to share a few inspirational quotes that help shine a positive light on a difficult topic.

What if co-parenting does not work?

Co-parenting may not be possible for a variety of reasons, including cases of suspected family violence, abuse, and neglect. If this is the case for you, it may be more beneficial and safer for everyone to get the Court and law enforcement involved. In other situations, struggling to co-parent could come down to changes in living situations, new jobs, and new relationships. Also, one parent could be uncooperative in following an existing parenting plan. Here are a few options that may come into play if co-parenting does not work.

6 things to look forward to if you are recently divorced

Divorce is a giant guessing game that is difficult not to get overwhelmed by. Instead of looking forward with positivity, you are stopped dead in your tracks as you stare down an unknown path you never imagined taking. Yes, making sense of your new life after divorce is always challenging. However, it is essential to look at the benefits.

Co-parenting after divorce: 5 ways to appropriately text with your former spouse

We have written a lot about the importance of keeping your emotions in check before, during, and after divorce. If you want to achieve your co-parenting goals, it is important to think as rationally as possible in every situation. This includes finding ways to appropriately text with your former spouse about the kids and do your part to avoid confrontation.

If You Want To Live a Happy Life After Divorce, Stop Doing These 7 Things Right Now

There is plenty of advice that focuses on what you should be doing to open the channels to happiness after divorce. But there are also things you should not do, many of which ultimately stand in the way of your happiness.

11 Tips To Survive the Holidays After a Divorce

We are not going to pretend that surviving the holidays after a divorce is not rough, especially since the season lasts so long when you factor in Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanza, and New Year’s. But we can help make that journey a little easier as you cope with life after divorce.

8 Ways To Mend Your Broken Heart After a Devastating Divorce

Divorce is a significant and life-changing event with a heavy emotional burden and fear of what the future holds. This is especially true for a spouse who did not want the divorce in the first place. They feel blindsided, betrayed, angry, and alone. The good news is that while your heart may feel like it has been ripped to shreds after a devastating divorce, it is not impossible to mend it with a little time and patience.

7 Ways To Make and Save Money After a Divorce

Coping with life after divorce is difficult enough without also having to worry about money. But it is a harsh reality for many people. If you struggle to figure out which end is up, here are 7 ways to make and save money after a divorce.

5 Positive Things To Do After Your Divorce Is Final

What are the positive things to do after your divorce is final? The divorce was likely already an emotionally draining event filled with stress over the relationship ending, feelings of betrayal, arduous custody battles, disputes over property division, scheduling visitations, etc. All of it can stop you dead in your tracks, and once it is over, you are suddenly staring down an unknown path you never imagined having to take. Here are five positive things to do.

5 benefits to going to therapy during and after your divorce

Divorce leads to emotional turmoil, uncertainty, anger, resentment, and the need to find answers to some pretty difficult questions. Naturally, seeking therapy can be crucial to finding hope in a dark time, rebuilding your life, and embracing a brighter future. Read more about the benefits of therapy.

Are you ready for divorce? Here are 8 possible signs

Sometimes, the signs are obvious, such as repeated affairs, financial distrust, or family violence where you and your children are in danger. Other times, the signs are not as clear-cut. As a result, you might second-guess yourself and believe the marriage might be worth saving. And it very well could be worth saving. That said, we know divorce is a necessary reality for many couples and want to help you be confident in your decision.

4 social media safety tips after divorce

Security checks and other good habits that were fine before may not be as foolproof now that so much has changed in your life. Even if you feel safe, taking another close look is worth ensuring you protect yourself and your family as you move forward in your new life.

Call Nelson Law Group today!!

A divorce is a significant, life-changing event, and the effects of this difficult time will undoubtedly be felt for a while. But if you can see that there is a light at the end of the tunnel for you and your family, perhaps this is the right time to push forward with a new life. Give our knowledgeable staff here at Nelson Law Group, PC, a call if you have any further questions regarding this or any other issue. Our staff is always available. Give us a call today!

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