Divorce advice: Try hard to work with your soon-to-be ex-spouse

Divorce advice

Divorce advice. You’re getting a divorce, and the last thing you want to do is talk to or work with your soon-to-be ex-spouse. After all, you’re at odds, and both of you would rather stay far away from each other. What could you possibly have to talk about?

Believe it or not, there’s a lot to talk about — and it could make your divorce easier and faster.

Many divorcing couples don’t realize that trying harder to work with their soon-to-be ex-spouse is their opportunity to work out deals both parties agree on without having lawyers, outside mediators, or the Court do it for them. Granted, there are legal elements to the divorce process that your lawyer will guide you through. But the more you and your spouse can negotiate on smaller things, the more time and money you will save in your divorce. It’s always a good idea to ask yourself, “Is a $500 couch worth wasting time and money over?”

What can divorcing couples work out on their own?

This process is called negotiation. You and your spouse may not be able to agree on much, but if you can at least come together as civil adults and work out deals between each other on small things that normally drag out the process, you will keep from having to pay your attorney to do it for you.

This might involve setting up a phone call, Zoom meeting, or face-to-face conversation at a neutral site to discuss:

  • What’s yours vs. what’s mine
  • Child custody and thoughts on visitations
  • Who gets the house
  • Work through any demands either of you has
  • Thoughts on spousal support

This is just a shortlist. The more each of you is on the same page, the easier and faster you can get divorced and move on with your respective lives.

Talking doesn’t work for everyone

For many people, settling their divorce themselves is not possible. Even if one person is willing to make the separation process easier, the other could be completely against the idea. And if that’s the case, then any negotiation attempts won’t be fruitful. You will be better off having each other’s lawyers take the wheel.

Alternative dispute resolutions such as mediation and arbitration are a great way to resolve disputes amicably without reaching the courtroom. Not only is this an efficient way to end your marriage, but it’s a great way to save money — even when you struggle to talk to each other.

Call Nelson Law Group today!!

A divorce is a significant, life-changing event. You need a trusted advisor to guide you through each stage of your divorce and work diligently to achieve a result that ensures you receive what you are entitled to in the next stage of your life.

Give our knowledgeable staff here at Nelson Law Group, PC a call if you have any further questions regarding this or any other issue. Our staff is always available. Give us a call today! For more information about Brett A Nelson, click here.

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