10 Helpful Divorce Blogs to Prepare You For the Road Ahead in 2022

Helpful Divorce Blogs

We recently found a quote from an unknown author that says, “Don’t look back. You’re not going that way.” This is excellent advice, as we always want to be looking forward to our future rather than constantly thinking about things from the past that we wish we could have done better but cannot change. With that sentiment in mind, we compiled 10 helpful divorce blogs that, while from the past, will undoubtedly prepare you for the road ahead in 2022.

At Nelson Law Group, PC, we know the law. But more importantly, we are invested in you and your family. This is why we pride ourselves on offering compassionate support beyond traditional legal advice, courtrooms, and paperwork.

Divorce advice: Try hard to work with your soon-to-be ex-spouse

This blog post dives into an undeniable truth: trying harder to work with your soon-to-be ex-spouse is an opportunity to work out deals that both of you can agree on without having lawyers, outside mediators, or the Court do it for you. The more you and your spouse can negotiate smaller things, the more time and money you will save in your divorce.

What if I don’t believe in divorce?

We get this question a lot. Though 50% of all marriages end in divorce, many couples who appear to be headed down that same path do not believe in it for religious reasons. Others watched their parents stay married for over 50 years. In this blog post, we discuss a few options to consider if you don’t believe in divorce.

7 Ways To Support A Friend Going Through A Divorce

We focus most of our blog posts on people who are going through divorce. But what if you are that friend they turn to for support? There is no handbook for what you should or should not say or do as that friend offering support, but the importance of “being there” cannot be overstated.

4 Reasons not to date during your divorce

This is easily one of our most helpful divorce blogs from 2021. As much as you think dating during your divorce is OK, it can actually hurt you legally, financially, and emotionally. This blog post discusses many of the top reasons why you should resist the temptation to find someone new until after your divorce is in the rearview mirror.

6 Tips To Help You Figure Out If Your Spouse Is Hiding Money

You need to be prepared if you believe your spouse is hiding money. Hiding money, assets, income, and even debt is a bigger problem in marriages than you think, especially when divorce is on the horizon. It is also illegal. But the burden of proof is often on you to prove your spouse is hiding money.

Have you created a divorce checklist yet?

You’ve probably had someone tell you, “Just create a divorce checklist.” OK, great. But how? Being heads-up about everything related to a divorce is next to impossible when you have never been divorced before. What questions should you be asking? What should you include on the checklist?

7 Ways to manage your fear of divorce

Hearing the word “divorce” elicits unrelenting stress, anxiety, anger, and FEAR. And when you add in the legal process of lawyers, courtrooms, side arguments with your spouse, money, and all those big decisions, you feel hopelessly emotional and mentally unprepared. This blog discusses a few practical tips to help you manage your fear of divorce.

5 Ways to Take the High Road With Your Divorce

It is easier said than done to take the high road when you are dealing with a divorce. But as his helpful blog post points out, taking the high road with your divorce does have its advantages.

5 Common divorce tips to ignore

There is great divorce advice, and then there is advice you should quickly ignore. If you have received advice, even from someone who has your best interests at heart, it is better to talk to an experienced divorce lawyer to ensure you are not being led down the wrong path unintentionally.

8 Ways to Save Yourself and Your Marriage Through Genuine Intentions

As we’ve said before, many people come into our office not wanting to get divorced. They want to win their spouse back, but what ultimately happens is that they go about it the wrong way. Rather than give our spouse time and space or show them through genuine actions that we are committed, we feel the need to put on a full-court press to win them back. This blog dives into eight ways you can save yourself and your marriage through genuine intentions.

Call Nelson Law Group today!!

A divorce is a significant, life-changing event, and the effects of this difficult time will undoubtedly be felt for a while. But if you can see that there is a light at the end of the tunnel for you and your family, perhaps this is the right time to push forward with a new life.

Give our knowledgeable staff here at Nelson Law Group, PC, a call if you have any further questions regarding this or any other issue. Our staff is always available. Give us a call today!

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