Nelson Law Roundup: 13 Useful Blog Posts about Child Support

Useful Blog Posts about Child Support

Useful Blog Posts about Child Support. Child support is a periodic payment made by one parent to benefit a child following the end of a marriage. In a perfect world, the obligated parent simply pays the other to cover necessary expenses for the child, and life goes on. But as we have discussed many times on our Nelson Law Group, PC blog so much more goes into these suits.

To help you understand all there is to know about this important piece of family law, below is a roundup of 13 of our more noteworthy blog posts about child support.

How Long Do I Have To Pay Child Support?

You are getting a divorce, and because you have children, you know you will be ordered to pay child support. By now, you may even know exactly how much you will have to pay because the Court has carefully calculated everything. But one question remains, and it is something we hear a lot: How long do I have to pay child support?

4 Things You Should Do If Your Ex Stops Making Child Support Payments

As much as it makes your blood boil that your ex has stopped making child support payments, hauling them off to Court right away or sending them to the slammer may not help you right now or in the long run. Here are four things you should do if your ex stops making child support payments.

What Do I Have To Prove To Modify A Child Support Agreement?

Life is fluid. And while the child support agreement you signed is meant to be a static document, there are situations where enough has changed in your life or the child’s life that you can request to have the original order modified. Modifying a child support agreement is not a slam dunk, however. Unless both parties agree to change the amount of support, the courts need a compelling reason to make a change.

Despite The Horror Stories, Not Paying Child Support Will Catch Up To You

This blog post discusses a few ways that a parent can be punished for not staying current with their child-support payments or refusing to pay entirely.

4 Reasons You Should Happily Be Paying Child Support

Paying child support is an obligation that cannot be avoided. If a judge says you have to pay, you must pay what they tell you to pay and when they tell you to pay it or make arrangements to have those child support payments adjusted to meet your situation. Therefore, you might as well focus on the positive side. Here are four reasons why.

What Is Child Support And Why Does A Court Require It To Be Paid?

This blog post covers what child support is and why a Court requires it to be paid. Child support cases can get rather contentious, but if you keep in mind that this support is designed to benefit your child and that it costs money to raise a child, it may help you maintain your perspective and avoid protracted battles over support.

Child Support VS. Medical Support – They Are Different

Both are under the umbrella of child support but are completely different in terms of what they cover. This blog goes over the subtle differences between child support and medical support.

Does Child Support For An Adult Disabled Child Exist?

A parent’s duty to pay child support still exists when that child reaches adulthood yet is unable to realistically care for and support themselves because of a mental disability or physical ailment. The Court will use the same child-support guidelines to calculate the payment, but it must also consider other factors explained in this blog.

Child Support: Intentional Unemployment And Underemployment

Child Support is a Court-ordered payment, so if a judge says you have to pay, you must pay what they tell you to pay or make arrangements to have those payments adjusted to meet your situation. This is especially true for parents who are intentionally unemployed or underemployed. This blog discusses what that means.

Child Support Obligations Enforceable By Contempt

A Court can enforce a child support obligation by contempt if someone has either fallen behind on payments or flat-out refuses to pay. The bottom line is the consequences of being held in contempt of Court range from stiff fines to jail time or both. You do not want this to happen to you.

4 Ways To Avoid A Child-Support Enforcement Case

There are four ways to avoid a child-support enforcement case altogether, and trust us when we say it is not rocket science. This blog is chock full of useful information for anyone who is involved in a child custody case.

Child-Support Liens

If a former spouse owes money in child support (current, retroactive, past due, etc.), the party in charge of caring for their children can request a lien be placed on the obligated party’s property to collect unpaid child support. This blog defines what a lien is and what real or personal property can be affected by it.

What Are Suits To Modify Custody Or Child Support?

There are a variety of reasons to seek a modification, including the need to accommodate scheduling conflicts, illnesses, and other circumstances. But the ultimate goal is to do so with the best interest of a child at heart.

Call Nelson Law Group today!!

It is imperative to have an experienced lawyer in your corner for anything family law-related – especially when the conversation involves children. Give our knowledgeable staff here at Nelson Law Group, PC, a call if you have any further questions regarding this or any other issue.

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