Personal Injury: Nelson Law Group can help with vehicle defect claim

vehicle defect claim

Vehicle defect claim. Imagine driving down the road, enjoying the tunes on the radio and a cool breeze whipping through your hair. You see a red light off in the distance and go to step on your brakes, but nothing happens. You cannot slow down, no matter how hard you try. With very little time to react, you swerve to avoid the car in front of you and drive into a ditch.

“What just happened?” you say to yourself. “This cannot possibly be my fault, can it?”

No. While car accidents happen all the time, you would be surprised how many are because of a defective vehicle or vehicle component. If this happened to you, and you were injured, you may have a legitimate vehicle defect claim on your hands.

What are a few examples of a vehicle defect claim?

The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration defines a vehicle defect as “any defect in performance, construction, a component, or material of a motor vehicle or motor vehicle equipment.” These defects pose an unreasonable risk to motor vehicle safety and the people who use them. Granted, most vehicles these days are safely designed and manufactured. But defects do happen because of carelessly-made or poorly-designed vehicles and components, and they can cause serious injury and even death.

Examples of vehicle defects include:

  • Brake failure
  • Tire blowouts
  • Steering component failure
  • Problems with fuel system components
  • Seat belt defects
  • A vehicle’s tendency to roll over
  • Air bag failure
  • Door latches
  • Windshield wipers

When trying to assign blame for a vehicle defect claim, the parties who may be held liable include:

  1. The vehicle manufacturer
  2. The manufacturer of the defective component
  3. The dealer
  4. The party that last worked on your vehicle (tire shop or maintenance facility)

Our team of personal injury lawyers here at Nelson Law Group PC wants you to be safe on the roadways and avoid accidents. If you have been in a motorcycle accident as a result of a vehicle defect, it is important to speak to a member of our team to see if you have a legitimate vehicle defect claim. You need a lawyer who has experience in personal injury law — someone who has seen it all.

We will gather relevant evidence to build your case and devise a personalized litigation strategy to help you win now.

Call Nelson Law Group today!!

Nelson Law Group, PC brings over two decades of experience to each personal injury case we handle. We have an extensive bench and jury trial experience in personal injuries arising from a variety of causes that result in a wide array of injuries. Nelson Law will devise a comprehensive strategy based on our years of experience, intuitive legal skill, and the desired outcome of your case. We will be available to answer your questions or respond to your concerns as they come up.

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