Personal Injury: Nelson Law Group can help with motorcycle accidents

motorcycle accidents

Motorcycles are fun to ride and allow you to roam the open road freely. But we can all admit that they aren’t the safest mode of transportation. Motorcycle accidents result in unspeakable injury because you are not protected the same as you would be in a car. And as graphic as this will sound, victims are usually thrown from the motorcycle or run over, causing everything from broken limbs and road rash to permanent injury and death.

With all this being said, just because you choose to purchase a motorcycle or ride as a passenger on one doesn’t mean you don’t have just as many legal rights as other drivers. Our personal injury lawyers at Nelson Law Group can help pursue your claim for injuries suffered because of the carelessness or inattention of another driver.

Motorcycle crashes and causes

If you have been involved in a motorcycle accident, seek legal and medical attention immediately. Motorcycle accidents usually involve distracted or inattentive drivers but can also be because of a variety of other reasons, including:

  • Hazardous road conditions
  • Mechanical malfunctions
  • Collisions with fixed objects
  • Driver error/inexperienced drivers
  • Sudden stops
  • Confusing road features

Motorcycle accidents can result in terrible outcomes, a few of which include:

  • Being forced off the road
  • Going down on the road, making you vulnerable to oncoming traffic
  • Being hit on the side or from the rear
  • Head-on collisions

Nelson Law Group PC wants you to be safe on the roadways and avoid accidents. If you’ve been in a motorcycle accident, it’s important to speak to a member of our team. You need a lawyer who has experience in personal injury law — someone who has seen it all. We will gather relevant evidence to build your case and devise a personalized litigation strategy to help you win now.

In the meantime, follow these tips to keep yourself as safe as possible on the road.

  1. Wear a helmet and be alert.
  2. Make sure you are always visible to nearby vehicles.
  3. When possible, do not travel in dangerous weather conditions.
  4. Never drink and drive.
  5. Be extremely cautious when traveling in intersections. Always assume vehicles that will cross your path (turning left in front of you) DO NOT see you!

Call Nelson Law Group today!!

Nelson Law Group, PC brings over two decades of experience to each personal injury case we handle. We have an extensive bench and jury trial experience in personal injuries arising from a variety of causes that result in a wide array of injuries. Nelson Law Group will devise a comprehensive strategy based on our years of experience, intuitive legal skill, and the desired outcome of your case. We will be available to answer your questions or respond to your concerns as they come up.

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