Modifications in Post Divorce Judgments- Geographic Modification – Getting a divorce can be quite distressing and hurtful for spouses. You go through numerous legal formalities to finalize your divorce. Once it gets finalized, you feel the problems and pain has ended with the end of your relation. But, that’s not how it is always like.
Post divorce issues such as complaints if the other spouse fails to fulfill his part of the bargain, humiliation of each other, not supporting the child’s financial needs, non-cooperation with divorce judgment laws can create worst circumstances than the circumstances you faced at the time of your divorce. However, it is not necessary that the issues are always about lack of responsibility of the other spouse. Sometimes, there are various other changes which are related to your child. One such modification is your child’s relocation. In this aspect, the custodial parent has to prove that the relocation is in the best interest of his/her children.
For this, you need to have an expert and intelligent lawyer by your side to guide you through this process of getting your modification acknowledged and allowed.
Legal Procedure for Geographic Modification
If you are the custodial parent, you need to follow certain rules before this modification is made.
Submit a Notice
If you are changing your town, city or country, the first step is to submit a notice to the non-custodial parent about relocation. This will give the non- custodial parent time to analyze the situation and make decision. He/ she may agree or object.
If the Non-Custodial Parent Objects
If the other parent disagrees to relocation, the court asks for a valid and substantial proof for your statement. Moreover, there are different limitations with respect to geography. The court takes this issue very seriously and doesn’t allow until and unless, proved best for child.
Why Relocating? Have a Valid Reason
At times, you have remarried and your spouse is in the other state. And, you, being a custodial parent has to take your child along with you. Make sure, you don’t troll the court. Base your answer on solid proof and assure them it’s for the best of your child. The court wants you to convince that this step is not being taken to separate the child from the non-custodial parent.
The court also requires you to make a plan for your child to be in touch with the noncustodial parent.
Thus, you need to have it all ready before you ask for a modification. Contact Nelson Law Group PC to assist you with the best attorney to prove that your intentions are pure and reason is valid.