Co-Parenting for the First Time This Holiday Season? Consider These 6 Tips

Co-Parenting Holidays

As family lawyers, we understand that co-parenting can be challenging. This is especially true during the holidays, when you would rather focus on creating beautiful memories for yourself and your children than dealing with unexpected stress and conflict. You are right—this time of year should be joyful and filled with togetherness. And it absolutely can be with the right approach.

We have written extensively about co-parenting and the duty divorced parents have to ensure they share the responsibilities of raising their children. It is all about giving your kids the stability, security, and close relationships they need with both parents.

That co-parenting approach may look different during the holidays, but here are a few tips to ensure a smooth season.

6 Tips for Peaceful Co-Parenting During the Holidays

  1. Communicate with the other parent—Amid the excitement of holiday plans, it is crucial to ensure both parties are on the same page. The last thing anyone wants is surprises, which can often lead to hurt feelings and potential conflicts. If there is a problem, be willing to work it out. The more unified you look as a family during the holidays, the more unified you appear to your kids.
  2. Plan in advance — If you are reading this before the holidays begin, start scheduling plans now to eliminate unnecessary stress later. Keep track of your plans, stay organized, and be prepared for last-minute changes. Flexibility is key during the holidays.
  3. Prepare the kids for possible changes — Just as you should communicate early and often with the other parent, you should also communicate new plans to your children in advance. This way, they know what to expect. There are many decisions to make around the holidays; the more flexible everyone can be and the more aware everyone is, the less stress for you and your children.
  4. Be open to new ideas and traditions — The holidays are a great time to try something new. Whether it is going somewhere different or creating new traditions, embrace the change and make it fun for everyone.
  5. If you separate holidays, check in often — If the kids are doing Thanksgiving at your house and Christmas at the other parent’s house, your kids should feel open with you about the relationship they are having with their other parent, and vice versa. Talk positively about the other parent, check in often so that both parents are involved, and celebrate the good times they are having.
  6. Talk about gifts — Speaking of communication, no parent should try to one-up the other with gifts for the kids. Agree in advance on how many gifts there should be and possibly place a spending limit on each item.

Call Nelson Law Group today!!

As a parent, your most important duty is to show your children what a healthy relationship looks like after divorce – especially during the holidays. The goal is to create wonderful holiday memories for everyone. If you still need assistance with co-parenting arrangements, it is not too late. Our team is here to help wherever possible.

Call our knowledgeable staff here at Nelson Law Group, PC, if you have any further questions regarding this or any other issue. Our staff is always available. Give us a call today! For more information about Brett A. Nelson, click here.

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