ADRs – Revisited – We’ve spent time in recent posts discussing suits for child support, including what it means to be obligated to pay child support, how child-support payments are calculated, and the need for the court, in some instances, to enforce these orders.
But as we’ve already learned, many legal disputes can be settled outside the courtroom. And in an amicable manner between the parties involved. These are what’s called Alternative Dispute Resolutions (ADR), and they are the focus of today’s blog post.
If you remember our blog from last year on this topic in relation to divorcing spouses, ADRs are a way to settle disputes without litigation. They allow the parties in a potential case to sit down – hopefully in a calm setting – and understand each other’s position and needs while coming up with a creative solution.
ADRs can include various negotiation methods such as:
- Mediation
- Collaborative Law
- Informal Settlement Conference
- Arbitration
- Cooperative Law
Those five methods are defined in more detail in the blog link above. ADRs – Revisited
In terms of enforcing child-support payments, parties can enter into a written agreement before a final hearing. Any agreement must be approved by the court. But it’s a solid first step in resolving the situation on your own.
Please note that the court cannot approve an agreement that reduces or modifies the amount of child-support payments. Instead, parties must enter into a settlement-and-release agreement to reduce the amount of payments once a final judgment on payments has been rendered.
It’s always a good idea to have an attorney by your side to make sure all your i’s are dotted and t’s are crossed. At Nelson Law Group PC, our friendly staff is here to help you. Give us a call today. For more information about Brett A. Nelson click here