9 Helpful Divorce and Parenting Blogs to Prepare You For the Road Ahead in 2023

Divorce and Parenting

As we end one year and turn the page to the fresh start that comes with 2023, our team at Nelson Law Group, PC, has compiled 10 helpful divorce and parenting blogs from our library of article posts that will undoubtedly prepare you for the road ahead.

The bottom line is that we are invested in you and your family. This is why we pride ourselves on offering compassionate support beyond traditional legal advice, courtrooms, and paperwork.

How Long Does Divorce Take in Texas?

Will your divorce take a few days? A week? Longer? Unfortunately, there is no catch-all answer to this question. Every divorce case is different, and while some may wrap up quicker than expected, others drag along. This blog post attempts to answer this question while at the same time introducing a variety of factors that play into the process.

What Needs to Be Decided in a Divorce?

The divorce process is rarely as easy as two people agreeing to part ways. There are many factors that come into play that must be addressed. Generally speaking, there are five areas that need to be resolved before divorce can be finalized.

Can My Family Law Attorney Represent Both Me and My Spouse in a Divorce?

In our world, no question is a silly question — especially when it comes from someone who has never been divorced and wants to ensure their best interests are being considered above anyone else’s. Besides, not every “silly” question leads to an obvious answer when it comes to the law.

What Is the Difference Between Divorce and Annulment?

Both proceedings mark the legal end of a marriage, leading many people to believe they are the same thing. But trust us — there are significant differences. Here is a brief overview of divorce and annulment and the differences between them.

15 Inspirational Quotes About Co-Parenting

The key to a successful co-parenting relationship is to be positive in both your thoughts AND actions. We have written at length about this topic, and over the years, there have been countless inspirational quotes from people who are also invested in sharing practical advice with parents who want to do the right thing.

How Should I Respond After Getting Served Divorce Papers?

If you are served divorce papers, please know everything will be OK. While everything may be a bit overwhelming initially, it is important to remember that you have rights and can have a say in what happens next.

Helicopter vs. Free-Range Parenting: What Is the Difference?

Some parents want to be involved in every little detail of their child’s life, while others are equally devoted to their child but are a little less reliant on rules or structure. Whether you are going through a divorce or not, it is very important to know the difference between these two styles and that it is possible to strike a healthy balance.

Want a Healthy Divorce? Consider These 10 Tips

Achieving a healthy divorce that results in a peaceful end to your marriage is possible. Despite what you may have seen on television, you and your soon-to-be former spouse can do things differently. Here are 10 tips to keep your divorce process civilized, dignified, and healthy.

7 Divorce Myths People Think Are True

Divorce is such a hot-button topic that it is easy to start believing everything you see and hear on television. But in all likelihood, most, if not all of, what you hear is completely wrong or overblown. Here are a few to consider.

Call Nelson Law Group today!!

A divorce is a significant, life-changing event, and the effects of this difficult time will undoubtedly be felt for a while. But if you can see that there is a light at the end of the tunnel for you and your family, perhaps this is the right time to push forward with a new life.

Give our knowledgeable staff here at Nelson Law Group, PC, a call if you have any further questions regarding this or any other issue. Our staff is always available. Give us a call today!

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