5 Planning Tips To Help You Prepare For Divorce In the New Year

Prepare for Divorce

Prepare For Divorce. If you’re thinking about getting a divorce now that the holidays are over, you’re not alone. Divorce in the New Year is very common, so much that January has long been dubbed “Divorce Month” because of the consistent spike in filings. Couples simply don’t want to put a damper on the holidays, so they wait a few extra months for their chance at a fresh start.

Sound familiar? If this is you, Nelson Law Group, PC can help. But first, ask yourself if you are prepared.

Below are 5 planning tips to help you prepare for divorce in the New Year:

Take your time and do your research

Unless you or your children are in danger, don’t rush into decisions you might not be ready to make yet. Logically plan how you will deliver the news to your spouse, where you will live after the divorce, how you will care for your children, how you will pay for the divorce, etc. Get first-hand accounts from people who have gone through a divorce, and ask questions. Meanwhile, create a list of divorce lawyers in your area and research the legal process. This doesn’t mean your case will work out the same way, but at least you’ll have an understanding of the divorce process, who is involved, how long it can take, and other factors you wouldn’t normally be aware of.

Create a budget

Look at how much income you are bringing in per month, then determine how much of that money typically goes toward fixed expenses (house, car, essentials) and savings. By consistently working through this exercise, you gain a firm grasp of your financial situation in the New Year and any steps you might need to move forward. If you are unsure how to make a budget, Financial Peace University is a good source. Also, mint.com is a great free tool to use.

Gather financial records and other relevant paperwork

Staying organized throughout the divorce process saves time and money. Financial records include everything from bank accounts and statements to investment information, income tax returns, and retirement accounts. Gather all of this information and organize it so it can be accessed quickly. Not only will this make your lawyer’s job easier, but you will feel more prepared, too. Other relevant paperwork that you’ll need to prepare for divorce in the New Year may include employment information, pay stubs, mortgage statements, other real estate deeds, credit card bills, loan documents, your credit report, etc. It is also wise to take an inventory of all personal property (property you owned before the marriage).

Set deadlines for yourself

If you’re dead set on getting a divorce in the New Year, you want to stay on task and create deadlines for yourself so that the process doesn’t drag out longer than it has to. For example, grab a 2021 calendar and set January 31 as the target date to collect all of your paperwork. From there, maybe give yourself a couple of weeks to find divorce lawyers in your area. Once you have a lawyer, they can help you set a more realistic timeline.

Seek the right counsel

It’s a certainty that you will not be short on options for quality representation for your divorce in the New Year. But this is both good and bad news, right? The good news is that you have options. The bad news is that you have options — because, after all, it can be difficult to narrow down your search if you don’t know where to start. Check out this blog post where we help you choose the right attorney for your situation.

Call Nelson Law Group today!!

A divorce is a significant, life-changing event. You need a trusted advisor to guide you through each stage of your divorce and work diligently to achieve a result that ensures you receive what you are entitled to and need to move forward onto the next stage of your life. We are invested in you and your family, but we also know the law.

Give our knowledgeable staff here at Nelson Law Group, PC a call if you have any further questions regarding this or any other issue. Our staff is always available. Give us a call today! For more information about Brett A. Nelson, click here.

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