Transferring Personal Property Between Spouses – Livestock

Transferring LivestockTransferring Personal Property Between Spouses  – Livestock- In a continuation of our five-part blog conversation on the transfer of personal property between divorcing spouses, we are going to dive into what it takes to transfer ownership of livestock. But before we do that, let’s set the stage for those of you who are playing a little bit of catch up.

The big thing you need to remember as you continue reading this series is that the goal of any transfer of property is to have a “clear” transfer where one spouse assumes ownership of a piece of property without any loose ends or entanglements. That’s sometimes easier said than done depending on the property type and circumstances. For example, perhaps the property in question is in your name only, or in the name of both spouses. Maybe the property has a lien against it. Whatever the case, additional steps must be taken to make everything work.

We’ve shared three articles so far on how to properly transfer ownership for financial instruments, vehicles and life insurance. If you missed those three blogs, you can read them here:


This week’s topic: Transferring Livestock

Livestock is also considered personal property, and can include cattle, horses, mules, jacks, jennets or oxen. That can seem like a huge burden, but in actuality, the steps involved in transferring these animals between spouses are far less demanding than some of the other types of property transfers we’ve written about.

To transfer livestock, the delivery of the animals must be accompanied by a written instrument memorializing the transfer. This includes reference to the number of animals transferred and any marks or brands they bear. The written transfer and the change in marks and brands should be recorded in the county records.

And that’s all it takes.

Next week’s topic: Transferring Securities

Please don’t hesitate to check our blog archive for more information on this topic or any others that might interest you. And if you would like us to discuss a particular family law topic in these blogs, please contact our Nelson Law Group, PC office to let us know. We will be glad to help you with Transferring Livestock.


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