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Filing for Divorce
Is Filing for Divorce Really the Answer?

Plenty of people visit our office fully committed to filing for divorce. They are often hurt, bitter, sad, and feeling justified that this is the next logical step, and helping them navigate everything that comes next from a legal standpoint is what we are here to do. That said, we cannot stress enough the importance…

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local family lawyer
Here’s Why Hiring a LOCAL Family Lawyer Matters

We know you have options when it comes to skilled legal representation. In fact, a quick Google search of the Dallas-Fort Worth area will yield pages and pages of quality family lawyer results. That said, you always want to choose someone who checks every box AND lives and works in your same community. We’ve been…

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Credit Score
How Your Credit Score Is Impacted By Divorce

There is so much to think about when going through a divorce. And for many people, their credit score is not one of them. Instead, they are hiring attorneys, worrying about their kids, trying to find new living arrangements, and learning as much as possible about a complicated legal process. More often than not, they…

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Quotes About Mediation
12 Thought-Provoking Quotes About Mediation

Mediation is designed to help opposing parties reach a quiet, efficient, and amicable resolution to their case rather than deal with the unfortunate consequences of courtroom litigation. The most common cases we see involve divorcing spouses, but mediation can also be beneficial in probate cases and various civil litigation matters. Many Courts increasingly require mediation…

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Blog Posts on Estate Planning
24 Helpful Blog Posts on Estate Planning

While death is certainly a touchy subject, having a plan in place to protect your family’s needs after you are gone is one of the most important things you can do. With that sentiment in mind, we compiled 24 helpful blog posts on estate planning so that you are educated and prepared for the road…

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