20 Inspirational Quotes About Attorneys And The Law

Inspirational Quotes

The reason I became a family law attorney was to help people and provide value. It is a rewarding experience when you can step into a difficult situation and walk a family through it, answer their questions, be the voice of reason, and achieve for them the best possible outcome. And I’m not the only one who feels that way.

Over the years, there have been countless quotes logged by various online sources from famous people who are just as inspired about the law and what it means to provide justice and peace of mind for someone who is in their darkest hour.

Below are 20 inspirational quotes about attorneys and the law.

  • “Discourage litigation. Persuade your neighbor to compromise whenever you can. As a peacemaker, the lawyer has a superior opportunity of being a good man. There will still be business enough.” — Abraham Lincoln
  • “The glory of justice and the majesty of law are created not just by the Constitution – nor by the courts – nor by the officers of the law – nor by the lawyers – but by the men and women who constitute our society – who are the protectors of the law as they are themselves protected by the law.” — Robert Kennedy
  • “Law is order, and good law is good order.” — Aristotle
  • “It’s every lawyer’s dream to help shape the law, not just react to it.” — Alan Dershowitz
  • “It is not wisdom but authority that makes a law.” — Thomas Hobbes
  • “People are getting smarter nowadays; they are letting lawyers, instead of their conscience, be their guide.” — Will Rogers
  • “Lawyers are the foot soldiers of our constitution.” — Rennard Strickland and Frank T. Read
  • “Lawyers are operators of toll bridges which anyone in search of justice must pass.” — Jane Bryant Quinn
  • “I considered going into business or becoming a lawyer — not for the money, but for the thrill of problem-solving.” — Lisa Randall
  • “Justice is the sum of all moral duty.” — William Godwin
  • “Lawyers have their duties as citizens, but they also have special duties as lawyers. Their obligations go far deeper than earning a living as specialists in corporation or tax law. They have a continuing responsibility to uphold the fundamental principles of justice from which the law cannot depart.” — Robert Kennedy
  • “We educated, privileged lawyers have a professional and moral duty to represent the underrepresented in our society, to ensure that justice exists for all, both legal and economic justice.” — Sonia Sotomayor
  • “Lawyers have rendered immense sacrifices for the restoration of democracy and free judiciary, and their role in this regard cannot be ignored.” — Shehbaz Sharif
  • “A lawyer’s time and advice are his stock in trade.” — Abraham Lincoln
  • “One of the things I was taught in law school is the I’d never be able to think the same again — that being a lawyer is something that’s part of who I am as an individual.” — Anita Hill

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